Monday, August 30, 2010

Well that didn't go according to plan...

I went back in to MSKCC today to start round 3 of my chemo treatments...until I couldn't start round 3 of my chemo treatments. Turns out my white cell count had dropped too low for them to safely administer the drugs to me, and therefore sent me home with a antibiotic prescription, a blood prescription, and a new schedule for next week. This, of course, screws up everything planned for the next couple of MONTHS, but I guess we'll have to make do of it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Second round done...and it's no less comforting! you all probably know I went to do play-by-play in mid week down at Rutgers...yes, in the middle of my chemo treatments! Felt fine doing it, everything seemed to be cool.

And then Thursday hit!

From Thursday morning on I've been hit pretty hard. My energy level took a beating this week (though the nausea hasn't been as bad this time around). But I'm still fighting through things here. I know it's an ongoing process. And I know my energy level will pick up soon enough. Just at this moment, I'm very much weakened.

And it just doesn't make it any more fun, that's for sure!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 22 - or Round 2, Day 1...

I haven't blogged in a while, so here's my latest entry:

Since I last blogged, I went through a serious case of 'roid rage, had Adina go out of town for 4 days (in which I did have plenty of company), and broadcast a Sky Blue FC game.

Now I'm back at MSKCC for round 2 of my chemo treatments. And one of my concerns is that I can't come off of the steroids that they're giving me to combat nausea. They may try to reduce the dosage, but as of right now I can't completely come off of it. This concerns me b/c if I start raging again...well, that really scares me! I have to now be very cognizant of my feelings, emotions, and surroundings just to make sure nothing triggers me off. I've already done damage to one door...I'd much rather not have to go through that again. Something tells me I'll be going to some therapy sessions with Adina in the coming weeks.

So it's now 2 I guess it's Day 23? But I've been in and out of sleep and nauseousness all day. I'm hoping to sleep well in the next couple of days so I can be rested for the SBFC game on Wednesday! Oh well...I'll just watch Poker After Dark and hope this discomfort passes me by!