Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ooof last night was a bit tough...

My stomach was not helping me last night. Had to call MSKCC a couple of times to figure out what to do about the pain I was experiencing. Finally, after a couple of pain tablets and the usual round of meds, I'm feeling a bit better now. Temperature stays down, which is good. Wondering what to do for breakfast this morning...either a Fiber One bar, or a bowl of cereal, or maybe english muffins. But any way you cut it, I'm going to try and keep it simple!

Comical moment of the day: Adina was getting ready to take Luc back to Denville (she watches him during the day for the summer). Luc wanted to helped Auntie D with her car keys...and pressed the blue panic button on the home alarm remote! D punched in the code, we figured all would be fine from there...and not too long ago, a Vernon Police Officer showed up! I explained what had happened and apologized, but next time Auntie D has to keep the keys out of Luc's reach!!!

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